Teeth Cleaning

Teeth Cleaning in Sarasota, FL

Teeth Cleaning, Sarasota, FL


Complete Oral Examination by the Dentist
A Full Set of Digital X-Rays
(ADA Codes D0150, D0210) No Expiration
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Prevent gum disease before it starts

Even with a perfect home oral care routine, including flossing and brushing, plaque and tartar can still build up on the teeth and lead to bacterial infections, cavities, discoloration, and other problems. To ensure your teeth remain healthy and clean, everyone should have a professional dental teeth cleaning (also known as a scale and polish) at least twice a year at the dentist.

Regular Sarasota, FL dental cleanings are essential for healthy teeth and gums for life , by preventing disease and oral health concerns.

Teeth Cleaning - What To Expect

Dental cleanings are generally painless, but if a patient has sensitive teeth or gums a topical numbing cream can be used.  If you have trouble getting through a dental cleaning due to anxiety or a strong gag reflex, mild sedation options are also available. A cleaning may begin with an ultrasonic instrument that helps to loosen plaque and tartar before the dentist switches to fine hand tools (scalers and curettes) to carefully scale or scrape the build up from the gumline and enamel. Once the deposits are removed from the teeth, the dentist can polish your teeth using a special toothpaste. We can then go over good home oral care routines and help you with your brushing and flossing technique for better check-ups.

Teeth Cleaning Aftercare
To keep your teeth smooth and healthy, it is best to establish a home routine that includes brushing at least twice day and flossing at least once a day. The dentist may offers suggestions or specific instructions, like a special mouthwash or toothpaste to treat specific concerns. Be sure to schedule your next dental cleaning before leaving the office for six months or when the dentist recommends you return.

Waiting too long between cleanings can lead to longer appointments and more invasive treatments, so just book it now!

Since a professional dental cleaning twice a year is considered a necessary preventative care procedure, most dental insurance carriers will cover 100% of the cost. Our office will check with your insurance company to determine the coverage before billing you directly.

Don't have insurance? It's all good.  Ask about our financing options.  We will work with you on it because our ultimate goal is that YOU have healthy teeth and gums for life.

You can do it

If you neglect anything - whether it's your house, your car, or your teeth - the harder and longer the cleaning becomes.  Regular dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar that have built up over time to help you avoid gum disease, cavities, and infections. A cleaning also gets your teeth whiter and brighter by polishing the enamel and removing stains.

Getting a professional cleaning today to save yourself time and trouble later.

Connect today to book your teeth cleaning.

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Teeth cleaning in Zephyrhills

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Choosing the right dentist is important. We are here to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Go ahead, ask us anything.

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