Cavity Filling

Cavity Filling in Sarasota, FL


Tooth Fillings are fairly routine,  but catching cavities early is key

One of the most important reasons to schedule a dental exam is so your dentist can catch problems, like dental cavities and tooth decay in their early stages.  Dental fillings are used to treat different dental problems like cavities and broken teeth. Teeth are usually filled with a material called composite resin, which is designed to look like your natural teeth. Tooth fillings can also be done with gold or porcelain.  Many dentists have stopped using silver amalgam fillings, mainly because of their 50% mercury content.

Composite resin takes a little longer, though most people still prefer it because the color blends in for natural-looking teeth.  A special light is used to harden the area around the filling.

Before you get a filling, you will get a local anesthetic to numb the gums around your tooth. We will then clean away the bad and decayed part of your tooth so your tooth is ready to be filled. Once your tooth is all filled in, we will smooth over the rough edges and polish it so it looks and feels natural.

Cavity fillings in  Sarasota, FL are very routine and can fix a tooth that has a cavity or other types of tooth decay. It's just one more way we help you have healthy teeth and gums for life .

Tooth filling aftercare

After a tooth filling, you may notice sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, pressure, and more. This sensitivity is only temporary and should not last more than 1 - 2 weeks.  You should continue to brush and floss normally and the dentist will monitor the condition of your filling at each visit and help you determine if and when you need a replacement.
Insurance for teeth fillings

Most dental insurance companies cover part of the cost of a tooth-colored filling whether it is a new filling or a replacement for an old silver amalgam (metal) filling.

Our office will help patients determine their coverage and personal cost during the consultation.

Don't have insurance? It's all good.  Ask about our financing options.  We will work with you on it because our ultimate goal is for YOU to have healthy teeth and gums for life.

How do I know if I have a cavity?
Cavities may not cause you any pain until the decay reaches the internal tooth tissue.  This discomfort will worsen as the decay of the enamel increases. Symptoms to look for include pain or sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks as well as sugar.

As with many other health issues, early detection is the key to prevention.

Connect today to get checked for a cavity or to have cavities filled.
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Choosing the right dentist in Sarasota is important. We are here to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Go ahead, ask us anything.

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